windrag : poetry : journal

:: f : w : i : w ::

Month: April, 2011

deed done

inconsequential execution unsatisfying fulfillment

evening news

a virus threatens my weekend of birthday parties. hot sleep, cloudy head. the street is quiet for the first time in recent memory. thankful, mixed with aches.


the poem that doesn’t get written is often much louder than the one that sneaks onto the page. as a parent, I’m not always proud of the way that i choose to turn away from a tantrum.


dishonest, like an electron microscope. weak, like water, spiderweb. hateful, like a hand outstretched in friendship. greedy, like the moon.

bike to work day

thousand-foot climb to the temple. perfumed flowers line the path. no coming, no going. on being passed by a runner near temescal park: flogging body and mind