perspective ii
aware of my place in the world, I accept this hardship, knowing that others know worse every day. the cat beneath my car breathes foul exhaust, unhindered, the world at her feet.
aware of my place in the world, I accept this hardship, knowing that others know worse every day. the cat beneath my car breathes foul exhaust, unhindered, the world at her feet.
embarrassed to sleep, I bask in a lavender moon air washed clean by a week of rain i wake to the sound of my friend’s old piano. it’s true: i’m so tired of being alone
first full moon, plum blossoms, fireworks of pink laugh through the storm’s final splashes within these lifeless limbs a subtle warmth i always seem to forget
these friends, so rare, so unexpected. night of heartfelt talk and beer. so soon we’ll part, and i’ll most likely spill some word i’ll instantly regret
with clouds careening by, the moon is nearly full. the body aches to sing we wonder if it’s winter, as it rains: this ground, so lush with weeds.